Hiili Hiilesmaa, finnish musician and producer, is well known among HIM fans for having produced many of HIM’s albums as well as both albums of Daniel Lioneye. The Heartagram Path had the opportunity to interview Hiili about about his experience as a musician and producer, as well as his work with HIM. You can read the interview here.
Archive for the 'Interviews: Transcripts' Category
Translation by sineresi @ livejournal
HIM’s latest album Venus Doom didn’t sell nearly as much as Dark Light, which earned a gold record in the US. With the new album Screamworks: Love in Theory and Practice, Ville Valo puts on a poppier gear. Will the change of style help the sales figures shoot up again?
Question: Musically Screamworks is the most cheerful HIM ever, but the lyrics are once again filled with despair. How did that happen?
13 Calling Cards for Valentines Day
Translation by silverblue6 @ Valo Daily
After their expansive album “Venus Doom” released 2 years ago HIM now turn to a completely different path with “Screamworks ….” The new 13 songs are short and precise but packed with ideas. The songs are very catchy over long passages but have enough twists and turns to make sure not to show the whole picture at once when you listen to them for the first time.
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Read the rest of this entry »In the latest issue of Rockoon Magazine comes an interview with Ville Valo where he speaks about the new album. The interview has been translated …
This video, which seems to be fairly recent, was posted today at this website. There has also been an audio posted here. Both are in Finnish, but Sineresi from livejournal has translated both… Click below to view translation.
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Straight from the horse’s – or shall I say – the stallion’s mouth, from yesterday’s Euro rock radio’s interview, here is the exclusive news on HIM’s new album:
- HIM will start recording in August in LA.
- The producer is Matt Squire (who has also worked with Panic at the Disco and The Used, among others)
- The working album name is “Screamworks – Love in Theory and Practice”
- The tentative release date will be Valentine’s Day 2010
- The album may sound something like Right Here in My Arms/ Funeral of Hearts/ Wings of a Butterfly.
- They are aiming for 15 songs.
The interview is up for download here at Euro-Rock Radio. The transcript of the interview has also been posted. Now we all can rest our heads and sleep peacefully… or can we?!
If you weren’t able to tune into Euro Rock Radio for their special Heartagram Day treat, then don’t cry your heart out just yet. They have recorded it and posted it for download. You can listen to it here: http://www.euro-rockradio.com/archives/51.
The interview has also been transcripted: http://www.euro-rockradio.com/interviews/him-interview-transcript
A special thanks to Celtic Angel for making this happen:)
An interview with Ville Valo conducted by Jason Fisher at Paramount Studios, where the album Venus Doom was mixed. – read here
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