Archive for the 'HIM News' Category

Metal Hammer has had the opportunity to hear HIM’s new album and now gives us an exclusive review of each track. The album’s working title ‘Screamworks: Love in Theory and Practice’ seems to have been maintained but is still to be officially confirmed. Set to be released in February 2010, the new record consists of 13 tracks. These titles were given by Metal Hammer and there is no confirmation yet to whether they are the actual song titles.

Screamworks: Love in Theory and Practice Tracklist

Ode To Solitude – Scared To Death – Heart Killer – Dying Song – Disarm Me – Love The Hardest Way – Katherine Whee – In The Arms Of Rain – Shatter Me With Hope – In Venere Veritas - Acoustic Funeral – St Valentine – Smother A Heart

Read here what Metal Hammer has to say about each track of  HIM’s new record!


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Ville Valo sings happy birthday to Burton …

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The info everyone has been waiting for! Line up and ticket information have been released. If you had any doubts that HIM would be playing, then you can rest assured that tradition prevails!  HIM takes the stage at  Tavastia on all 4 days of Helldone Festival.   Click here  for all the juicy details.



… but you will never remain indifferent!

Proof of this are the comments posted in response to Kerrang’s latest news article (*) about HIM’s new album Screamworks: Love in Theory and Practice. In a world where everyone has their own musical tastes, most people do what is considered “normal”… they follow their favourite artists and ignore those they dislike. So why do some people waste their time reading news about HIM and another 10 minutes more sending hateful comments about a band they don’t like? Well, the answer is simple … you just can’t ignore a band like HIM. And don’t even think you can get away with dissing HIM without first having to face their loyal army of fans!

One of these fans (Brainz) wrote to Kerrang! in response to the nasty comments posted on Kerrangs website. This letter was featured in the latest Kerrang! issue (1280) where they also left an interesting response…

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Recently published in Kerrang!, is an article stating that Ville Valo is working on a track for Tim Burton’s big screen adaptation of  ”Alice in Wonderland”. The band was contacted by the board administrators shortly afterwards to confirm this statement. Here is the band’s  response:

Quote: ” We have no such knowledge. Wish it was true!”


Source: Thanks to Pry for the official confirmation and to for the heads up on the Kerrang article.

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Find out how  here at


According to Bam Margera in an interview given to The Voice (a Finnish radio station), Gas Lipstick is done with recording drums and has returned to Finland to be with his wife and baby girl. The recordings for the new album started in the beginning of August so it has been over a month since the band members have left their families. View video here


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This was how Ville Valo described(*) the album’s  genre on  yesterday’s  Euro Rock Radio interview hosted by CelticAngel. In an interview lasting a little over an hour, and followed by a chatroom (or 2) full of anxious and curious fans, Ville prefered to keep an aura of mystery around the new album, only revealing bits and pieces of information. Enough to keep the fans temporarily satisfied yet curious about the surprises that are to come (and it looks like we’ll be having a few in the very near future). If, on one hand, Ville wasn’t too revealing about the album, on the other hand he was very open when it came to answering the questions sent in by the fans. Some very interesting and amusing questions with answers that…well … you can hear for yourself here at Euro Rock Radio.

Poderão ler a tradução desta entrevista no site do HIM Brasil.

(*) I hope I haven’t misquoted him, if so please correct me:)



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“The forcing of a release, before the musical and non-musical aspects of the product are complete, results in poor sales as a consequence. The music industry must realize that most people buy records because they are emotionally or artistically engaged by them and album cover art plays an important part in formulating this response.” (Adrian Shaughnessy)
“HIM was able to create a focused image cover which says in one symbol and two words what their music is about.” (Teppo Hudson)

The other day, while browsing the internet I came  across a very interesting research project called Significance of Album Cover Art as a Branding Tool – Case Study: ‘HIM’ by Teppo Hudson. As the title suggests, he examins the significance of album cover art as a branding tool within the context of a changing music industry environment. According to this Entrepreneur and Visual Artist, HIM was chosen as the case study because “the band has a strong identity in it’s art…(pg23)”. (We can certainly agree with that). The document is a very indepth analysis and may be somewhat of a long read for those of you who don’t have a taste for marketing, but the journey into the meaning and symbology of HIM’s album cover art is well worth the read. For those of you who just want to go straight to the Cover Art analysis, jump to page 32… yet I do recommend taking a look at the whole document:) Read:Significance of Album Cover Art as a Branding Tool by Teppo Hudson


A special thanks to Teppo Hudson for allowing me to post his work in the HIM Library.

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